How to Disable Windows Defender on Windows 10 and 11

Teuku.Net - Windows Defender is a security feature (antivirus software) built into Windows. The function of Windows Defender is to protect the operating system on a computer/laptop from malware (software that enters without permission so that it can damage the system).

How to Disable Windows Defender on Windows 10 and 11

However, some people also want to disable or turn off Windows Defender. The reason is, this application is often considered annoying because it can delete files (because it is thought to be a virus), bring up several pop-ups, and can block the installation of applications.

In this article, we will discuss How to Disable Windows Defender for Windows 11 and 10 permanently or temporarily.

How to Disable Windows Defender

Reporting from the Windows Support page, here is how to disable or turn off Windows Defender Windows 11 and 10:

  1. Click the Windows menu
  2. Type "Windows Security" and click
  3. Go to virus & protection
  4. Scroll down and click Virus protection & threat settings
  5. Select "Manage Settings"
  6. Select switch real-time protection to "Off"
  7. Windows Defender has been turned off (disable)

Note that scheduled scans will continue to run. However, downloaded and installed files will not be scanned until the next scheduled scan.

In addition, turning off Windows Defender means that the device may be entered by a virus. So, viruses and malware can attack your computer/laptop.

If you want to exclude a file/folder from an antivirus scan, you can do so by adding an exception. This is considered safer, rather than disabling all antivirus protection.

If you install a compatible non-Microsoft antivirus program, Microsoft Defense antivirus will automatically disable it.

Meanwhile, if "Interruption Protection" is enabled, you need to disable "Tame Protection" before you can disable real-time protection.

That was the information about how to disable Windows Defender, as a step to turn off the antivirus on Windows. Hope you find it useful!

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