4 Characteristics That Indicate WhatsApp has been Tapped

Teuku.Net - WhatsApp (WA) is one of the most widely used instant messaging applications in the world. Given its popularity, it is not surprising that criminals are interested in tapping into the WhatsApp accounts of its users.

4 Characteristics That Indicate WhatsApp has been Tapped

This eavesdropping is intended to find out about users' activities, to get a glimpse of valuable information and data shared via WhatsApp. So, is there a way to find out if WhatsApp is being tapped or not?

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How to Know if  WhatsApp has been Tapped

To find out whether your WhatsApp account has been hacked or not, you can look for the following signs, quoted from the Avira page.

1. Strange Activity Occurs

If your WA number receives a lot of messages from unknown people or from contacts who are not on the list, it could be that your WhatsApp account is being tapped by someone else.

Also try to check the sent messages. If you find a chat that was not sent by you, then someone may be taking control of your WhatsApp account. Also check the call history to see if there has been any strange call activity or not.

Also check the contact list information. Because the intruder who hacked your account can start changing the contact information.

2. Can't access WhatsApp

If you want to access WA but you can't even get in, it can be a sign that your account has been hacked. Or if WhatsApp on your phone suddenly logs out by itself and you can't log in afterwards, you should suspect that your account has been tapped.

3. Received OTP code

If you receive a message with an OTP code when you didn't ask for it, you should also be wary of it because it could be someone trying to take control of your WhatsApp account.

This is because the OTP code is required when someone registers a WhatsApp account using your number. Without this code, the verification process cannot proceed.

So if you suddenly receive an OTP code, don't share it with anyone, including people you know.

4. There is a Foreign Device Connected

You can also tell whether WhatsApp is being tapped or not by checking the devices associated with your account. If there is an unknown device linked to your WhatsApp, then it must be suspected.

Here's how to check which devices are associated with your WhatsApp account:

  • Open WhatsApp on your phone
  • Click the three dots icon in the upper right corner for Android phones, or the gear icon in the lower right corner for iPhones.
  • Then click Connected Devices or If there are other unknown devices linked to your WhatsApp, it's a sign that your account is being tapped. If this is the case, remove the associated device by clicking Log Out.

How to Solve Tapped WhatsApp

If your WhatsApp is being tapped, you should immediately delete the account and disconnect any devices connected to the WA account, such as WhatsApp Web.

Here's how to delete a WhatsApp account:
  • Open WhatsApp on your phone
  • Click the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner on Android, or the gear icon in the lower-right corner on iPhone.
  • Select the Account menu, then tap Delete Account at the bottom
  • Enter your WhatsApp number, then click delete account.
  • Note : Deleting your WhatsApp account will delete all your message history and backups on Google Drive or iCloud. You will also be removed from any groups.

How to Prevent WhatsApp From being Tapped

There are a number of ways to prevent WA from being tapped or hacked by intruders, including securing your WhatsApp account. Check out how to protect WhatsApp from being tapped or hijacked.

1. Enable Two-Step Verification

To secure WhatsApp, enable two-step verification. Here are the steps:
  • Click the three-dot icon in the upper right corner or the gear icon in the lower right corner.
  • Select Settings, then tap Account
  • Next, click Two-step verification, and then tap Turn on
  • Enter a 6-digit PIN that you can remember, then confirm the PIN
  • And enter an e-mail address to recover the PIN if the user forgets it.

2. Enable fingerprint lock

Activating the fingerprint scanner as a lock will prevent others from accessing your WhatsApp account. Here's how to turn on fingerprint lock:
  • Click the three dots icon in the upper right corner or the gear icon in the lower right corner.
  • Select Privacy, then click Fingerprint Lock
  • Enable the fingerprint scanner by toggling it to the right
  • The user will then be prompted to capture a fingerprint.
  • WhatsApp will then ask the user to select how long it will take for the application to lock automatically.
Also keep in mind that you don't just open links sent by others and don't share the OTP code with anyone if you receive it.

Well, that's a series of ways to find out whether WhatsApp is being tapped or not, along with how to overcome and prevent it, Hopefully useful.

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