Early Stages of Becoming a Blogger

Teuku.net - Blogger, in my opinion, is a term for someone who owns and is used to managing a blog on the internet. The blog is a digital tool for someone who wants to write, whether it's about tutorials, news, health, and so on.

Early Stages of Becoming a Blogger

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↪️ Early Stages of Becoming a Blogger

I started joining the blogging world in 2012 (12 years ago). The first time I blogged about tutorial collections, because that is a field that I am passionate about. As on this occasion, I would like to provide a little information about how to become a blogger? until there is where I have to prioritize my real life until I never touch my old blog again.

but, now I want to start again writing a blog where my life has started to be normal from the financial side and my new family.

↪️ Create a Blog

Of course we have to create a blog to become a blogger. There are many free blogging platforms that you can use such as Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, Weebly, etc. However, the most popular are Wordpress and Blogger. You just have to choose, everything is free, does not require a fee for registration.

↪️ Decide on a Blog Topic

The topic of the blog or often referred to as "niche" is very important for us to apply. Blog topics will make it easier for visitors to recognize and know the overall content of a blog. For example, when you want to buy medicine, of course what you will visit is a pharmacy, as is the case with blogs. Blogs that have one topic and discuss in depth are very good and look more professional. But like there are also those who have a mixed blog or discuss many topics.

It's okay, but I think it's better not to discuss too many topics. To determine the topic of your blog, you can start by reading yourself, in terms of what you like. Because when we create a blog with a topic we like, when writing articles we are not too confused and can even get new ideas.

↪️ Learn SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in short is an optimization carried out on blogs that aims to increase the popularity of a blog in the eyes of search engines, the more it increases the more likely it is to get traffic (visitors). You can learn the science of seo on the internet, a lot as long as we can try and keep trying. Knowledge such as how to plant backlinks, how to write seo articles, on page optimization, off page optimization, is very useful for improving your blog.

↪️ Writing Articles

Writing on a blog is very different from the way your teachers taught you to write at school. On the blog, we don't need to pay attention to the correct spelling of the language, it's just up to you, even if you want to use alay language or an alien language, it's okay. But what must be considered is the seo of the article. The use of Headings, such as H1, H2, H3, H4, .., keywords (keywords) is very important in a blog. Again, all of that you can learn in detail on the internet.

↪️ Looking for References

When becoming a blogger, a reference is needed to bring up new ideas about "where are we going to blog later". Usually I look for references on several well-known blogs that are on the same topic as my blog. A reference can also bring up new ideas when we are confused about "what are we going to write about", usually this confusion appears in the middle. So, I myself usually get references in real life, when there are problems and I have new knowledge, I usually write about this on the blog.

↪️ Establish Relationships with Fellow Bloggers

Believe me, a relationship or friendship among fellow bloggers is very useful, even though we don't know the person exactly. I myself have several blogger friends on social media, we usually share, even like to share templates for the progress of each blog. There are lots of social media groups that discuss the science of blogging and SEO.

↪️ Don't be shy about introducing your blog

A blog will advance when we start introducing our blog to everyone. Don't be shy to introduce even though our blog is still normal. I also like to share the latest articles with several groups on social media to introduce my blog. Apart from that, you can also create a fanspage on Facebook as a tool to share your blog.

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